Department of Biology

  • Department of Biology
  • About Us

Our mission to educate modern, democratic, competent and qualified biologists and scientists.


Our aim is to produce realistic and high quality projects in accordance with the high standards of the present and future and to contribute to the solution of the scientific literature, regional and national economy, national and international problems in accordance with the universal ethics rules in different disciplines of biology with the knowledge and skills we have.


Department of Biology was established and started education in 1993 in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. There are 4 major divisions in our department including General Biology, Botany, Zoology and Molecular Biology.  The educational  activities are carried out with 5 professors, 1 associate professors, 3 assistant professors, 1 lecturer and 3 research assistants. In addition to student laboratories, Acarology, Algology, Plant Genetics, Biochemistry, Mycology and Molecular Cell Biology Research Laboratories and Herbarium are included in our department.

Contact Information:
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Biology
Tasliciftlik Campus, 60250 Tokat, Turkey.
Phone: 0356-2521616 / 3041
Fax: 0356-2521585