Department of Chemistry

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Department of Chemistry

Introducing the Department


Academic staff

Course information package

Course plan



Analytical chemistry

Inorganic chemistry


Physical chemistry

Organic chemistry


Introducing the Department

Department of Chemistry started education to teach chemistry in 1993 within the Faculty of Art and Science. In our department, there are 5 divisions which are Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry. The education activities in Chemistry Department has been carried out with 11 professors, 4 associate professors, 1 assistant professors, 4 lecturers and 3 research assistants.
In addition to the student laboratories, there are 11 research laboratories.
Mission of Department of Chemistry in Faculty of Art and Science in Gaziosmanpasa University
i. To train individuals who can contribute to and compete with the ever-changing and technology-centered world of the 21st century and are well-trained and high-quality, with education opportunities and staff of the Department of Chemistry equipped with the necessary knowledge, experience and background.
ii. To train chemists who have a broad knowledge in chemistry and apply this knowledge in daily life and who can think critically and solve problem
iii. To contribute to the education, training and intellectual development of undergraduate students and to mentor
iv. Professional and specialized graduates and academician within MS and PhD programs
i. To conduct scientific research at the international level in the light of the principles of science and ethics
ii. Directing undergraduate and graduate students to research
iii. To teach the value of interdisciplinary thinking by providing students with education and research opportunities between chemistry and other fields
iv. To encourage students through national and international experiences in the field of chemistry
i. To serve for economic, intellectual, cultural, industrial and technological development of region and our country through the discovery and development of scientific knowledge
ii. To serve for the recognition and being able to compete with world universities of Gaziosmanpasa University
Our vision to prepare our students for real world experiences and business life
Scientific vision
To train undergraduates and postgraduates who are skillful and master of their domain
i. at five discipline as analytic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry and organic chemistry
ii. at other basic sciences related with chemistry as biology, physics and mathematics 
iii. at additional fields of chemistry
Academic vision
To train undergraduates and postgraduates 
i. who are academically versatile
ii. who have the necessary equipment for their lives and the world around them
Intellectual and cultural vision
To train undergraduates and postgraduates 
i. who always develop intellectual and critical thinking skills
ii. who have ability to read and understand scientific literature
iii. who are capable of writing a publication
iv. who can make presentation
vi. who have ability to communicate with individuals or groups
Technological Vision
i. To train undergraduates and postgraduates who are open to technology and use technology
Social Vision
To train individuals
i. who are respectful for society and environment
ii. who are knowledgeable, productive and successful to the community
iii. who are conscious about the economic return of their activities
Personal Vision
To train individuals
i. who are continuously striving for personal development
ii. who have self-confident
iii. who have the ability to express their knowledge
To train modern and democratic, competent, ethic, hardworking and qualified chemists and scientists.

Address: Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Chemistry, Tasliciftlik Campus, 60250, Tokat, TURKEY

Tel: +90356-2521616/3051

Pbx: +903562521585

Head of Department Prof. Dr. Ömer IŞILDAK
Inorganic Chemistry
Introducing the Division
(Anorganik Kimya, periyodik çizelgeyi oluşturan 118 elementin tümünün özelliklerinin, kimyasal yapı ve davranışlarının araştırılmasını kapsayan bir kimya bilim alanı olup; diğer disiplinlerin çalişma alanlarında da önemli payı vardır. Anorganik endüstriyel üretim prosesleri, malzeme bilimi, katalizörler, yarı iletken ve süper iletkenler, toprak-tarım, tıp, çevre bilimleri, inşaat, maden-metalürji, nanoteknoloji gibi pek çok alanda Anorganik Kimya etkin olarak yararlanılan bir temel kimya bilimidir.)
Inorganic Chemistry is a field of chemistry that covers the properties, chemical structure and behavior of all 118 elements of the periodic table and takes an important part in the studies in other disciplines. Inorganic Chemistry is a basic chemistry science efficiently utilized in many fields such as inorganic industrial production processes, materials science, catalysts, semiconductor and superconductors, soil-agriculture, medicine, environmental sciences, construction, mine-metallurgy, nanotechnology.
Introducing the Division

(Biyokimya amacı canlılarda görev alan kimyasal bileşikleri tanımak, özelliklerini ve etkileşimlerini incelemek olan bir kimya dalıdır. Biyoloji ve kimyanın temel bilimlerinin çalışma alanı olan biyokimya, günümüzde, başta tıp olmak üzere, veterinerlik, eczacılık, diş hekimliği, ziraat, gıda teknolojisi ve hatta mühendislik gibi uygulamalı sahalarda da müracaat edilen, uygulama imkânı bulan bir bilim dalı haline gelmiştir.)

Biochemistry is a chemistry division of which aim is to recognize chemical compounds involved in living organisms, their properties and interactions. Biochemistry, which is a field of study of the basic sciences of biology and chemistry, is now a science which has applied in applied fields such as medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, agriculture, food technology and even engineering.


Organic Chemistry
Introducing the Division
(Organik kimya, sadece hidrokarbonları değil, aynı zamanda hidrojen (çoğu bileşik en az bir karbon-hidrojen bağı içerir), azot, oksijen, halojenler, fosfor, silikon ve kükürt de dahil olmak üzere diger  elementleride içeren bileşiklerin yapısını, özelliklerini, bileşimini, reaksiyonlarını ve hazırlanmasını incelemektedir. Bu kimya dalı ilk zamanlarda sadece canlı organizmalar tarafından üretilen bileşiklerle sınırlıydı, ancak plastik gibi insan yapımı maddeleri içerecek şekilde genişletildi. Organik bileşiklerin uygulama alanı muazzamdır ve farmasötikler, petrokimyasallar, gıda maddeleri, patlayıcı maddeler, boyalar ve kozmetik ve daha bir çok ürünü içerir.)
Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds, which include not only hydrocarbons but also compounds with any number of other elements, including hydrogen (most compounds contain at least one carbon–hydrogen bond), nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur. This branch of chemistry was originally limited to compounds produced by living organisms but has been broadened to include human-made substances such as plastics. The range of application of organic compounds is enormous and also includes, but is not limited to, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, food, explosives, paints, and cosmetics.
Analytical Chemistry
Introducing the Division
(Analitik kimya, maddeyi ayırmak, tanımlamak ve ölçmek için kullanılan araç ve yöntemleri inceler ve kullanır. Uygulamada, ayırma, tanımlama veya niceleme, analizin tamamını oluşturabilir veya başka bir yöntemle birleştirilebilir. Ayırma, analitleri izole eder. Nitel analiz analitleri, nicel analiz ise sayısal miktarı veya konsantrasyonu belirler.)
Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify, and quantify matter. In practice, separation, identification or quantification may constitute the entire analysis or be combined with another method. Separation isolates analytes. Qualitative analysis identifies analytes, while quantitative analysis determines the numerical amount or concentration.
Physical Chemistry
Introducing the Division
(Fiziksel kimya, maddenin moleküler ve atomik seviyede nasıl davrandığını ve kimyasal reaksiyonların nasıl oluştuğunu inceleyen kimya dalıdır. Analizlerine dayanarak, fiziksel kimyacılar karmaşık yapıların nasıl oluştuğu gibi yeni teoriler geliştirebilirler. Fiziksel kimyacılar genellikle yeni malzemeler için potansiyel kullanımları araştırmak ve geliştirmek için malzeme bilimcileri ile yakın çalışırlar.)
Physical chemistry is the study of how matter behaves on a molecular and atomic level and how chemical reactions occur. Based on their analyses, physical chemists may develop new theories, such as how complex structures are formed. Physical chemists often work closely with materials scientists to research and develop potential uses for new materials.